No Show Report

Date Total Classes OK Cold No Show Warm No Show Hot No Show Suspicious Not Joined from Portal No Show Fraud Cancelled Ratings
Open & Cancelled Classes Classes which are OK Joined within 10 mins Joined within 20 mins Joined within 60 mins Joined after 60 mins Not Joined from Portal Recording not found (Class less than 20 min) Recording found but not joined from portal Class cancelled from class management Ratings by Students
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Date Total Classes OK Cold No Show Warm No Show Hot No Show Suspicious Not Joined from Portal No Show Fraud Cancelled Ratings
Open & Cancelled Classes Classes which are OK Joined within 10 mins Joined within 20 mins Joined within 60 mins Joined after 60 mins Not Joined from Portal Recording not found (Class less than 20 min) Recording found but not joined from portal Class cancelled from class management Ratings by Students
Incentive: 0

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